
The online database with the Slide Library video collection is now available to instructors and staff.  We have over 600 holdings and have recently updated our DVD collection to include a wide range of new instructional films, documentary and art cinema.  The website can be accessed from both on and off campus, and an account is not required to search the collection.  
The entire collection has been re-catalogued and labeled according to the Dewey Decimal system, and can be searched by title, keyword, subject and author.  A Librarika logo has been installed on the dock of the instructor account for each of the computers in the Slide Library and will link you directly to the catalogue. Each item entry includes important information, such as: media (DVD, VHS, and if it exists in Films on Demand), language (including captions and subtitles), a brief description, and a link to a pdf version of any paper media that is included with the DVD (available for download).

I encourage everyone to accept the invitation and create a password for their account.  While logged in, members may review their checkout history and current holdings, request items with the click of a button, to write reviews about the films in the collection, among other features.

Feel free to stop by the Slide Library (751b) for an introduction to the new system. This is a big transition for us, and I want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with the new system. I will be offering both group training sessions at the beginning of spring semester and individually scheduled training sessions for professional development credit. 

Account information:
Invitations have been sent out via email, if you haven't received one please search your email (including junk folder) for Librarika.  If it still doesn’t show up, let me know and I will send another. For most of you your SWC email is your login, however if we communicate via another email I used that instead.

  • Instructors may search the holdings without logging in.
  • If you forget your password, click on the “forgot password” link below the login in order to retrieve it.
  • All instructors now have an account and can may request items, review items and access their checkout history via that account.

Checkout Steps:

  • Fill out the library card and place it in the alphabetical index.
  • Fill out and tape a blue placeholder slip in the general area of where the film was found as a courtesy to other users.
  •  Return the item to my mailbox or the “Returns Drawer.” Please do not place it on the shelf as you run the risk of being responsible for the item if someone else grabs while it’s under your name in the system.
  • You’ll notice that nothing has actually changed in the checkout process, except that now there is an emphasis on following these steps and not checking yourself in.

Please note:
With the exception of Rome, seasons 1 and 2, box sets and DVD collections have been separated and can be checked out individually.  I have added episode descriptions and run times to each of these DVDs’ cases for ease of use. Collections affected include: Christo, Five Films; the private life of a masterpiece; Art 21 season 1 and 2, among others.

Dewey Cheat sheet:

Arts: 700s
700-709: Art Appreciation, series about multiple artists, series with multiple documentaries
710-719: Civic and Landscape art
720-729: Architecture
730-739: Sculpture (including an extensive ceramics section)
740-749: Drawing and Graphic Design
750-759: Painting
760-769: Printmaking
770-779: Photography
780-789: Music
791-792: Cinema